Sean At Work

Sean At Work
Capturing Time

Monday, January 5, 2009

December 2008
Dear Family and Friends,

Merry Christmas & A Happy and Prosperous New Year

This sure has been quite the year for us. As many of you know, a year ago we met through Yes, yes, we know. We can hardly believe it ourselves. Our worlds turned completely upside down. We managed to see each other every month. On May 25th we got engaged in Copan, Honduras to mariachis singing, a view of the Maya Ruins and with photographers from Travel Spain magazine to witness and record the moment for us. We even have a small video of this moment. It was amazing!

Just before our trip to Honduras we found out Connie’s dad was diagnosed with lung cancer and underwent grueling chemo and radiation treatment for 3 months. We got married on August 30th and Connie’s dad was well enough to walk her down the isle along with her mom. One week after our wedding we were walking into our new house in Ohio. A few weeks after that, Connie’s dad was declared cancer free “Thank God”. Phew! That was a time full of emotions and changes for the Santiago/Dean Family.

And now, the new Dean family story begins. Suki and Coco (Connie’s Dogs) faired very well in the 22 hour drive up in the U-Haul. Amazingly enough we have been able to merge our homes without much problem, like it was meant to be.

Fall came quite fast. This was Connie’s first fall season, it was short but beautiful. We have spent time getting to know the area and the history of the town as part of our “unique” Honeymoon in Lancaster, OH. We took a couple of weekends where we were on a mission to find all the Covered Bridges of Fairfield County and experienced a “Fall Train Ride”. This was really nice.

Now winter is here, we’ve had a few, light, snow falls already, one that was 3-4 inches so far. This was Connie’s official first snow fall. This was very interesting for Suki and Coco as well; Coco was trying to bite the snow as it was falling… wish I had a picture of that.

Another accomplishment this year and our first endeavor as a married couple is the start up of our own “Wedding Photography” business. We have our own website that we welcome you to see: Make sure to check our blog area which is how we will keep everyone updated on our latest news and adventures. Also there is a link to other pictures we have taken in the area.

Connie is still looking for the right job and pending to rent her home in Florida, she has a few things lined up that may come to fruition at the beginning of the year. In the meantime, she is enjoying being home, painting the house and decorating it. Connie’s mom will be coming to visit us for Christmas; we look forward to her visit.

Well that is all in a nutshell, for now. To keep up with the Deans go to our website and read our blogs. It is our prayer that you are blessed with much love and health in this Holy Season and in the year to come. Keep us in your prayers as we do you as well.

With much love and tenderness,
Connie & Sean Dean (Suki & Coco too)